Virtual tutoring
Liz Day (Loly) avatar
Written by Liz Day (Loly)
Updated over a week ago

In consideration of the global pandemic, we understand face-to-face tutoring is not always. We have collated guidance and tips for our tutors so students can continue to use TTRS and benefit from tutoring, without physically attending a session. 

Many tutors use Touch-type Read and Spell for virtual tutoring with great success.

Some things to consider: 

Typing skills are especially important right now

Schools closures around the world proved there is an even greater need for students and teachers to communicate through electronic means. This has further underscored the benefits of learning to type. Students need typing skills to communicate with teachers about schoolwork, complete online work, and participate in virtual learning activities.

Promoting yourself as an online tutor

If you are unable to physically be with your students, now is a good time to invite current students to continue with their lessons virtually.

There are also many parents and carers looking to keep their children learning during school closures or catch up on missed learning because of this unsettling period, so this is an ideal time to reach out to your local community and take on new students. 

Promote your virtual tutoring services through friends and family, through your own social media accounts, and by posting in relevant local groups on Facebook, including groups for parents, special needs resources, homeschooling, and dyslexia support. 

Helping students set up remotely

Without being physically in the same room as your student, you will need to send clear instructions to learners and their parents so they can access their TTRS account and carry out modules independently. You can copy and paste the following into an email and guide them through the process over a video messaging platform.

Please visit the TTRS website and log in to your account using your username and password at

Username:[insert] (as you set up in your admin account)

Password: [insert] (as generated in your admin account)

Tools to assist with virtual tutoring

We have carried out some research into tools used by other teachers and tutors and found these are some of the most widely-used platforms to enable students and tutors to see each other during virtual lessons. Please note you should consider safety settings for any video/ meeting tools you use. 


Zoom: Watch this YouTube video for advice on how to set up zoom for parents and students. 

You can set up multiple students in a virtual class and each student can share their screen with just the tutor. You may want to use the breakout room feature so each student is in their own virtual room.

There are various security features you should make yourself familiar with including using a password; enabling the waiting room (so you can accept or deny participants trying to join) and locking the meeting. We highly recommend locking the meeting once all your students have joined.

If you want to check the position of the hands on the keyboard, you can suggest that parents purchase a tripod (like the ones available from Amazon here) and use their phone camera to point towards the hands so the tutor can switch between the two shared screens.


Skype: Please watch this YouTube video on how to use Skype.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom: Visit this webpage for distance learning resources for schools affected by COVID-19.

Tracking progress and communicating with students

Thanks to the TTRS administrator dashboard, it is easy for you to keep in touch with your students, monitor their progress, offer feedback, and reward them with praise.

View these links with more ‘How to’ tips

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