Updating or adding a new payment method
Log in to your Billing portal at https://www.ttrsonline.com/Billing (Make sure you are logged in as an Admin user)
Click Manage subscription
3. Click Payment Methods
...and then click Add New
Updating Billing address
Log in to your Billing portal at https://www.ttrsonline.com/Billing (Make sure you are logged in as an Admin user)
Click Manage subscription
3. Click Billing & Shipping Addresses
4. Click on the existing address saved
5. Update your payment method and click Save
Reactivating your plan
Log in to your Billing portal at https://www.ttrsonline.com/Billing (Make sure you are logged in as an Admin user)
Click Manage subscription
3. Click on your subscription plan
4. Click Reactivate Subscription
If you are unable to reactivate your subscription through the portal, please email support@readandspell.com.
Change plan
If you want to change your plan when in a cancelled state, you will need to re-activate your original plan first.
Log in to your Billing portal at https://www.ttrsonline.com/Billing (Make sure you are logged in as an Admin user)
Click Manage subscription
3. Click on your subscription plan
4. Click Edit subscription
5. Click Change
6. Click on the dropdown list to choose another plan then click Update