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Spelling resources

Popular blog posts we’ve written about spelling

Meredith Cicerchia avatar
Written by Meredith Cicerchia
Updated over a week ago

How to teach spelling words - Most children begin to learn English spelling words and spelling rules in the first and second grades, at the same time as they are learning how to read and write. While being able to spell is not necessarily a reflection of a child’s intelligence, it’s a skill that is important to master.

3 Spelling mistakes that are easy to make - Not everyone finds spelling easy. Children and adults, native and non-native speakers, and individuals with and without learning difficulties alike can all struggle with the irregularity of spelling in English.

How to improve spelling skills - Spelling is one of those skills that a lot of people find challenging to master. This is particularly true if English isn’t your first language. One of the main reasons spelling is so hard to learn is that English is a highly irregular language. It has borrowed words from many other tongues and anglicized their spelling in an inconsistent way.

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